Kick Pull Swim is a New Orleans, LA based coaching service for swimmers across various age groups and skill levels. From as young as 6 months old to well into retirement, Kick Pull Swim provides personalized, 1:1 swimming lessons tailored to meet individuals’ needs.

Infant Swimming resource (ISR)

What: Water survival skills

Your Swimming Goals: Preparing for unintentional water exposure, allowing your child or infant to survive in a life-threatening, open water experience.

Age: 6 mo 6 yr

Learn to Swim

What: Swimming fundamentals

Swimming Goals: Ability to participate in and enjoy water-based activities, and increased confidence in the water

Level: All levels, including true beginners

Age: 3 yr Adult

Stroke Development

What: Technical training

Your Swimming Goals: Improve stroke technique, reduce race times, advance a swimming level, or prepare for a triathlon

Level: Beginner to advanced swimmers

Age: 5 yr Adult

About the Kick, Pull, Swim Coach:

Christine Vinson is a trained water safety instructor and ISR Instructor. She has more than 30 years of swimming experience, including numerous swim teams, triathlons, and open-water swims.



We know this is a very personal choice. Our FAQs section can answer some of our most commonly asked questions, so you can feel secure about your swim coaching and training experience.